Foods for those who lose weight: 5 vegetables that interfere with the diet

< p>Principles of proper nutrition assume regular consumption of a large number of vegetables. However, experts remind those who want to lose weight in this way: it does not always help to lose excess weight. Some slimming products are mistakenly counted among vegetables, allowed in any quantity.


Potatoes contain carbohydrates that are quickly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a sharp rise in sugar and insulin levels. In small quantities, potatoes will not harm if you choose the appropriate cooking method – boiling or baking. However, some nutritionists recommend replacing potatoes entirely with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice or quinoa.


Botanically, eggplant is a berry, but most people it is considered a vegetable, which is why it made the list. The danger for those who are losing weight is that the flesh of the eggplant, like a sponge, absorbs salt and oil during cooking. At the same time, 87% of the calorie content of raw eggplant is carbohydrates.


On the one hand, corn kernels are rich in iron, potassium and B vitamins, as well as substances useful for vision. However, the high glycemic index of corn, which reflects the ability to quickly raise blood sugar, makes it an unwelcome guest in the diet of a thin person.


It is also not a vegetable. , and fruit, although many are confused by the complete lack of sweetness in the taste. Avocado fruits contain about 15% fat by weight and about 77% – by caloric content. Despite the useful substances, avocados should be consumed in moderate quantities if you intend to lose excess weight.


Stalks of this vegetable are a frequent guest in many diets. It is widely believed that celery has a “negative” calorie content, that is, the body supposedly spends more calories on its digestion than it receives from the product itself. There is no scientific confirmation of this version. Since celery contains very few vitamins, its value from the point of view of proper nutrition can be considered exaggerated.

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Author: alex

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