Foods that have been proven to lower blood sugar

Many people suffer from high blood sugar blood sugar, but its concentration can be reduced by consuming certain foods.

Elevated blood sugar can be a precursor to type 2 diabetes – a disease that can not only shorten human life. Meanwhile, the disease can be avoided, as well as successfully controlled and treated – including by consuming foods that have the property of reducing the amount of sugar in the blood.

What products are proven to cope with this task?

Psyllium (plantain husk). Research by specialists from Duke University (USA) showed that, thanks to the high fiber content, psyllium delays the absorption of sugar into the blood, thereby preventing its sharp spikes. It was also found that patients with type 2 diabetes who take it before meals have a significant improvement in fasting blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin HbA1c levels. Psyllium powder was taken twice a day (5 grams) half an hour before breakfast and half an hour before dinner with plenty of water.

Chili pepper.The substance capsaicin is responsible for its positive effects: it thins the blood, has an antioxidant effect, and can also lower blood sugar. Scientists from Australia found that chili peppers successfully fight the development of hyperinsulinemia (too high insulin levels). Excess insulin goes hand-in-hand with high blood sugar, so chili peppers can help with both problems.

Onions. In addition to onions and garlic being successful in helping control glucose in the blood, bulbs can also be taken in parallel with drugs that reduce sugar – the product is endowed with the property of preventing hypoglycemia, which often occurs after taking drugs, and thus makes the drugs more tolerable.

Grapefruit. Researchers from the University of Western Ontario discovered that the flavonoid naringenin contained in these citrus fruits can lower blood sugar levels like insulin, as well as compensate for insulin resistance that has already occurred. Another compound, inositol, also has a proven effect on the sensitivity of cells to insulin, thanks to which it can reduce insulin resistance.

Oats. Whole oats contain various substances that have a positive effect on concentration sugar and insulin in the blood. The effect is explained by the high content of magnesium and fiber. A type of soluble fiber in oats (beta-glucans) lowers not only blood sugar, but also cholesterol.

Cinnamon. Far from one study has confirmed that the spice stimulates glucose metabolism and provides has the same effect on the body as insulin. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day is enough to achieve the effect of reducing high sugar.

Ginger. Its main active ingredient – gingerol – can soften the insulin resistance of cells and make them more sensitive to insulin As a result, the blood sugar level decreases.

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Author: alex

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