Foods to eat after 60 years

Taking care of your health with age becomes more and more complicated. That is why proper nutrition is often the main element. After 60 years, certain changes occur in the body, which is important to consider when choosing a menu.


According to a study published in the journal Annals of Neurology, the use blueberries and strawberries help slow cognitive decline in the elderly. Scientists have suggested that this may be due to the flavonoids that these berries are full of. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


As people age, they are at risk of low vitamin D levels because the skin loses its ability to synthesize it when exposed to the sun. . For this reason, it is important for adults over 60 to include vitamin D-rich foods in their diet. One of the sources of this vitamin is eggs, in particular, their yolks.


Is the pressure showing? Research shows that older people are at risk of developing prehypertension and hypertension. Potassium is a mineral that helps reduce salt exposure and blood pressure levels. Bananas are one of the most affordable ways to get potassium.

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Author: alex

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