For arthritis and from toxins: a simple but useful vegetable is named

This simple but healthy vegetable has a high content of vitamin C, carbohydrates, protein and fiber. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, folic acid and vitamin A.

What are the benefits of this popular product?

Impacts eye health

Studies show that lutein, which is present in many natural foods such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, corn, orange peppers, kiwi, grapes, zucchini and pumpkin, is effective in reducing the risk of cataracts and AMD (age-related macular degeneration ).

Protects the cardiovascular system

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the consumption of zucchini is associated with a decrease in “bad” cholesterol LDL This, in turn, helps reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Gets rid of toxins

Studies have shown that foods rich in fiber help “ “wash out” toxins from the cells of the colon. Vitamin C, folic acid, and beta-carotene in zucchini also help protect these cells from harmful chemicals.

Helps with arthritis

According to experts, beta -carotene and vitamin C also have anti-inflammatory properties, thereby naturally relieving the symptoms of diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

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Author: alex

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