For bags under the eyes you can find out which organ is sick


Characteristic edema around the eyes is often a symptom problems with liver, heart and even cancer. Catch the disease in time!

Why do bags under the eyes appear? The reasons may be different. These are physiological features and a consequence of cosmetics abuse. Bags can be formed from the trash in the eye, from lack of sleep, or even from the wrong posture during sleep. But the reasons can be much more serious. The problem disappears when contact with an allergen or administering anti -allergic drugs. eyelids.

Inflammation of the oral cavity and nasal cavity also often lead to the eyes. This can be asymmetrical, only under one eye.

kidney disease give us particularly heavy bags under our eyes. They usually appear after bedtime. May be asymmetrical, depending on which side you sleep and accompanied by pronounced edema of the whole body. Particularly alarming signal that you should urgently consult a cardiologist when eye swelling is accompanied by leg swelling.

liver problems are also often manifested in bags under the eyes, accompanied by swelling of the hands, especially the fingers. Consult a specialist, do not pull it!

Problems with proper nutrition and vitamin deficiency can also be detected by the appearance of these signals. The causes of eye swelling may be different. Contact a specialist to find out the accurate diagnosis and treatment will be found!

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Author: alex

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