For beauty: 8 products that will add attractiveness

food is extremely important for maintaining not only health but also beauty. What should you eat for your skin to tell you “thank you” – read in the material.


Elastic and elastic skin may not be a dream, but reality, if included in the kiwi diet. It has a lot of vitamin C responsible for collagen production and slows down the aging process. Of course, one should not hope that one kiwi will solve all the problems at once. The product should be in the diet regularly, otherwise the effect is not achieved. But not skin, but hair. All at the expense of the content in this product of silicon – it gives the curls strength and shine. The vegetable will go perfectly with any products and will become the perfect assistant to give attractiveness.


Natural mustard is not the most pleasant product for many. But it is rich in antioxidants and iron that will allow the skin to look much more pretty.

an apple

You need to eat one apple every day to deprive dentists of joy to see you more often. This product relieves teeth from stains, yellowing, cleansing them after meals. In other words, sometimes they can even replace toothpaste.

pumpkin seeds

Attractiveness can be achieved by using pumpkin seeds. It allows you to get rid of acne and inflammation. All because of the high content of zinc, which is so needed by the skin.


in this product, many nutrients, including vitamin C. With regular use, the skin becomes more elastic and fresh. And the unimportant variety of cabbage – both white and red cabbage and Brussels sprouts – all kinds are very useful for beauty and health. But few people know that this superfood is useful not only for health. Avocado should also be eaten for attractiveness, as the vegetable helps to keep youth. With its help, the skin will become more beautiful, and the hair and nails are strong. Be sure to include all the above foods in the diet on a constant basis if you want youth and beauty.

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Author: alex

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