For bowel health and diabetes prevention: named 5 best products

P> Biologist, a member of the American Diabette Association, Doctor of Science Colleen Cutcliffe, said that gut gastrobioma can play a role in the prevention of diabetes. I am in the diet, you need to include high -fiber products. She explained that such products help to improve three important aspects: the work of the intestine, the absorption of sugar, since the slowdown of this process leads to a decrease in blood glucose after eating, and the nutrition of bacteria known as Akkermansia muciniphila, is one of the strains of the gut. In particular, Catcliffe advised to include in the diet of apples, barley, carrots, oatmeal and peas. Soluble fiber contained in oats, beans and some fruits, including apples, also serves as a prebiotics.

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Author: alex

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