For heart health: what walking really does

It has long been no secret that walking benefits the body, helping to maintain heart health to a greater extent. Many people find that a long walk once or twice a week is enough to compensate for a sedentary lifestyle. However, on the contrary, it threatens with negative consequences. It's best to try to move every day.

Daily movement is much better for overall health, even when a person can't fit in the recommended 30 minutes a day of walking. Sidney Glasofer, MD, cardiologist, told about it. So the load will be evenly distributed over all days of the week, and the body will not be shocked by unexpected physical activity.

However, it is best to take a moderate walk for at least 30 minutes every day. This not only has a positive effect on the health of the heart and the body as a whole, but also on the mental state of a person. Sitting at a desk all day threatens health problems, and now working from home increases the risk of bad consequences.

Therefore, Dr. Glasofer urges to take breaks at work more often, to go out into the fresh air. Even just standing and walking around the office or home, if the work is sedentary, will be useful.

What else is walking useful

Even a short walk can improve mood, says Dr. Glasofer. And one study showed that just 20-30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio three times a week can reduce anxiety and depression. And cardio helps to lose excess weight, increase endurance, help in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and increase immunity.

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Author: alex

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