For longevity: which foods and drinks should be avoided

Studies show that that approximately one in five deaths is due to poor nutrition. Gerontologists have singled out foods and drinks that have a particularly negative effect on life expectancy.


Alcohol, according to experts, is an immunodepressant, which makes it dangerous for aged people. It significantly increases the risk of liver disease and heart failure, as well as increased blood pressure.

Processed meats

Studies show that there is a link between eating large amounts of processed meats, such as bacon and ham, and an increased risk of death. In turn, the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies sausages, sausages and bacon as carcinogens.


Sugar leads to aging of the face and body through the process of so-called glycation (combination of sugars with proteins). According to research published on the website of the British Association of Dermatologists, the visible effects of glycation (wrinkles) tend to appear in women around the age of 35. According to nutritionists, chronically high blood glucose levels also lead to a faster decline in cognitive function.

Fast food

JAMA Internal Medicine has been monitoring for 8 years nutrition and health status of more than 44,000 French men and women aged about 58 years. 29% of the study participants' diet consisted of ultra-processed food products. During the study, 602 deaths were registered, mainly from cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Grill and kebabs

According to the data, when preparing m grilling meat to charring creates compounds that cause cancer in laboratory animals. The researchers also found that increasing red and processed meat consumption by 3.5 servings per week for more than eight years increased the risk of death by 10% in the following eight years.

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Author: alex

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