For the brain and figure: the doctor named the beneficial properties of one hot drink
Everyone knows the benefits of coffee, including for the brain, if it is used in moderate quantities. However, for many, this hot drink causes sleep problems and heart palpitations. Cocoa is a more favorable alternative to coffee, as it does not interfere with falling asleep and also has a number of useful properties, said nutritionist Mykhailo Ginzburg, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
According to the expert, cocoa contains the substance theobromine. It expands the vessels of the brain and improves blood circulation, thanks to which the brain starts to work better. Moreover, with regular use, theobromine protects against age-related neurodegenerative changes that lead to dementia.
Mykhailo Ginzburg advised to drink cocoa to those who monitor their figure or want to get rid of extra pounds. As the doctor explained, this hot drink reduces appetite and helps to lose weight. “A cup of cocoa in the evening will help to reduce the portion of dinner, or maybe even remove dinner altogether,” the doctor explained.
In addition, cocoa contains B vitamins and a large amount of magnesium. At the same time, they contribute to the assimilation of each other. Group B vitamins are also necessary for the health of brain cells and the central nervous system. Magnesium, in turn, contributes to the “relaxation of these cells”. Therefore, after cocoa, a person becomes calmer and more balanced, said Mykhailo Ginzburg.
Cocoa beans, chocolate and cocoa drink are rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. According to the nutritionist, regular use of some polyphenols contained in these products slows down the aging process. The same applies to antioxidants that enter the human body with food. Thus, the doctor concluded that regular consumption of cocoa helps to increase life expectancy and increase the healthy period of life.
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