For the heart and longevity: herbal tea can prolong life

No it's a secret that herbal teas have various health benefits and can even prevent the development of chronic diseases. Hibiscus tea is considered one of the most popular.

According to numerous studies, the drink has advantages over other types of tea. It is considered a good natural remedy for hypertension, and according to some scientists, it can even prolong life. In particular, experts highlight several useful properties of hibiscus.

Reduces cholesterol

A study conducted on patients with type II diabetes showed that hibiscus can reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, thus protecting the body from cardiovascular diseases. In addition, its hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic properties may be beneficial for people suffering from high blood sugar.

Improves liver health

According to with research, the antioxidant properties of tea help in the treatment of liver diseases. According to scientists, volunteers who took hibiscus extract for 12 weeks with fatty liver disease experienced significant improvement.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Hibiscus tea contains antioxidants that can protect the body from diseases by neutralizing free radicals that can cause various inflammations. In particular, during the study, scientists came to the conclusion that hibiscus extract reduced the effect of free radicals on the body of laboratory rats by 92%. According to another study, the herbal drink can extend life by several years by supporting general health. In addition, tea is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary for a strong immune system.

Lowers blood pressure

Scientists from the American Heart Association (AHA) said that tea from hibiscus significantly lowers blood pressure in adults with prehypertension and moderate hypertension. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology shows that hibiscus also has cardioprotective properties, which may be beneficial for people suffering from hypertension and patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Author: alex

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