For the sake of longevity, it is necessary to double the level of training
Scientists from Harvard University suggest that people who want to live as long as possible, engage in sports twice as much. It is necessary to increase this indicator to 5 hours of walking per week.
Adults who increase the currently recommended level of physical activity by two times, later die one third less often. Scientists from Harvard University monitored the health of more than 100,000 people for 30 years. Study participants who followed the recommended levels of physical activity were 21% less likely to die prematurely compared to those who did not exercise at all.
But the level of protection against early death increased by 31% among those volunteers who spent twice more than the recommended intervals for physical activity, and they spent at least 5 hours per week, for example, on moderate-intensity training. These types of exercise include walking, strength training, or endurance exercise.
Similar but smaller benefits were seen in participants who spent two and a half hours a week doing vigorous exercise such as running, swimming, or cycling. . In some Western countries, adults are recommended to do up to 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week or two and a half hours of moderate exercise. They include, for example, mowing the lawn and even washing the dishes.
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