Forehead wrinkles reveal who has a 10 times higher risk of premature death

Most people want to live to old age and there are several ways to determine who will. Research shows that it all comes down to a confluence of factors, including genetics and lifestyle. However, by what signs can a successful or unsuccessful coincidence of factors be determined? Scientists recommend paying attention to wrinkles on the forehead.

The author of the new study, Yolanda Esquirol, a doctor at the Toulouse University Hospital in France, says: “It is almost impossible to see or feel risk factors such as cholesterol or hypertension. We studied forehead wrinkles as a marker because they are easy to detect.”

As a result, the scientists established a link between the risk of cardiovascular disease and forehead wrinkles. However, they emphasize that the data needs to be confirmed in future studies.

As part of their work, the team studied forehead wrinkles in a sample of 3,200 adults aged 32 to 62, all of whom were healthy. Participants were given scores based on the depth of their forehead wrinkles: a score of zero meant no wrinkles and three points meant many deep wrinkles.

The participants were followed for 20 years. During this period, 233 people died from various causes. Of those who died, 15.2 percent had wrinkles of two and three points, 6.6 percent had wrinkles of one point and 2.1 percent had no wrinkles.

Those with a score of one had a higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease compared with patients without wrinkles. The risk of death increased sharply for people with a high number of wrinkles.

Those who scored two to three had a nearly 10-fold higher risk of death than those with a zero score. These results were obtained after adjusting for age, sex, education, smoking status, blood pressure, heart rate, diabetes and blood lipid levels.

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Author: alex

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