Former smokers can compensate for health damage
As a long-standing study, former smokers are gradually reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the speed of recovery depends on smoking experience.
American scientists have summarized the study, which lasted 60 years. Observations were started in 1954, and nine thousand smokers took part in the study. To do this, quit smoking as soon as possible. A very good result is achieved in the first five years after smokingering-the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced by 40%. It all depends on smoking experience. For example, a person who has actively smoked more than 20 years should not be smoked for a very long time – up to 25 years.
by the way, another group of scientists have previously published another study, but with similar results. Experts indicated that it is very important to quit smoking up to 45 years to avoid premature death. Then up to 60 years the risk of developing smoking -related diseases is reduced to average level.
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