Found a simple way to achieve longevity with the help of music

Longevity, doctors say, depends on way of life Proper nutrition, sports and giving up smoking and alcohol – all this will help ensure a long and healthy life. Scientists have added a new activity to this list.

To lead a healthy lifestyle, it is enough to sing along to your favorite songs. A joint study by Harvard and Yale universities showed that in some people, singing improves mental health and heart health, which can increase life expectancy, according to experts.

Singing can lower blood pressure, has a positive effect on brain health, can reduce the risk of dementia and eliminate symptoms of depression.

Also, several studies have concluded that singers and musicians tend to have higher IQs. Singing, according to doctors, improves the general function of the human brain and helps to think more clearly.

Such music classes are good for blood circulation: more oxygen enters the brain.

According to doctors, singing helps people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease to preserve memory. When a person sings, endorphins, “hormones of joy”, are released, which improve well-being and make a person feel more cheerful and happy.


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Author: alex

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