Four factors that explain the bitter taste of pear fruit
While waiting for the harvest of sweet pears, the problem of a bitter taste arises. This significantly spoils expectations. Especially when it later does not coincide with reality. Experts have told what can cause a deterioration in taste properties.
Variety. Some varieties really have the property of being bitter. Before choosing a seedling, ask yourself this question in advance.
Rootstock. Makes its own adjustments, affecting the taste. It can become bitter.
Fungal diseases. They worsen the taste of the fruit, so it is important to treat the trees in a timely manner.
Bitter pitting. In pears, it is also known as subcutaneous spotting. You can correct the fate of the pear and its fruits with calcium supplements. They are added to the soil at the stage of filling the pears and at the stage of ripening. Helps improve the appearance of the fruit and its keeping quality. Calcium helps strengthen cells, which prevents the formation of pitting.
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