Four foods to lower high blood pressure
Diet can have a significant impact on the tendency to hypertension and high blood pressure – to reduce their symptoms, it is useful to eat certain foods.
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Experts warn that the signs of high blood pressure are not always obvious. Hypertension can develop imperceptibly for a long time: many people do not know that they have it. Most often, the problem of high blood pressure is revealed when the damage to vital organs caused by it becomes very significant.
To prevent such cases, doctors advise to periodically measure your blood pressure and know its indicators (first of all, people over 40 ). They recommend equipping the diet with healthy products useful for supporting the cardiovascular system.
At least four products are among the best for lowering high blood pressure, Express Health (Great Britain) writes about this.
Berries. Their polyphenols contribute to the normalization of pressure parameters. Studies have shown that people who consumed berries and foods rich in polyphenols on a daily basis had reduced heart disease risk markers and lower blood pressure.
Bananas.Their fruits are the best available sources of potassium, a mineral that plays a vital role in the treatment of hypertension. Potassium reduces the destructive effect of sodium on vascular tissue, relieves tension in the walls of blood vessels.
Greens. Eating herbal products, as well as green leafy vegetables, helps to reduce high blood pressure , weakening the stiffness of arteries, this ability of theirs has been confirmed by many studies. The effect is attributed to the action of natural nitrate compounds contained in them, which are part of natural minerals. They include molecules of nitric oxide, which has the ability to expand blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the body in the fight against infections.
Almonds. It is rich in healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, vitamin E – all these substances have properties that improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. The effects of reducing high blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels are associated with the use of almonds. It is also known that the nut helps reduce the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss, which is very important for the prevention of hypertension.
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