Four morning life hacks to help you lose belly fat faster
One of the life hacks that promotes more active fat burning is taking an extra portion of protein.
About how some morning life hacks help you lose belly fat.
Water with lemon. Thanks to drinking such water, according to the magazine's experts, attempts to lose weight become more effective. A glass of wine makes you feel full, which prevents you from overeating at breakfast, and also supports a healthy metabolism.
Coffee without sugar. Don't put any sweeteners in your morning coffee. According to research, additional sugar in the diet is closely linked to an increase in visceral fat (located deep in the abdomen around the internal organs), as well as abdominal fat, which makes the stomach grow.
Oatmeal. Experts advise adding oatmeal to smoothies or yogurt, kefir, thick soups and other dishes. This way, you can increase your intake of soluble fiber, which is found in oats, which is very beneficial for the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines (which is important for maintaining a healthy weight).
Protein. An extra serving of protein during your morning meal helps to boost your metabolism and, therefore, burn fat faster. Experts recommend adding beaten egg whites to your porridge or drinking a protein shake for this purpose.
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