Four reasons to water thuja regularly
In terms of thuja care, everything is quite clear and simple . It is necessary to provide watering, feeding, prevention of diseases and pests, pruning. To cope with the cultivation of thuja is not so difficult. Today we will talk about sprinkling, why these plants love this procedure.
Cleaning from pests and dust. It really works like this. If you sprinkle with a hose under pressure, you can clean the thick green mass of dust and pests that have hidden there.
Removing brown and dried parts. If you spread the green branches to the sides, in Thuja can be seen withered parts of twigs. Someone chooses them by hand, but you can do everything with the same hose with water. Under pressure, everything will fly away, as it should be.
Disease prevention. Together with water, the plant washes away pathogens and agents of fungal infections.
Loose crown. Under water pressure, it straightens. Therefore, it will receive good ventilation and access to sunlight.
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