Four “secrets” of frying the most delicious scrambled eggs

It would seem that scrambled eggs are a very simple dish to prepare. However, many amateur cooks make mistakes that make a fried egg in a pan not as tasty as it could be.

But if you correct the mistakes, you will make an unexpected discovery: it turns out that scrambled eggs can be incredibly appetizing.


What recommendations should be followed to turn a simple dish into a real hit?

1. Sprinkle the pan with salt

If you break an egg into a dish sprinkled with sodium chloride in advance, the dish will acquire an ideal consistency.

The central part of the scrambled egg will be soft and tender, the yolk will remain runny, but the edges of the white will acquire a pleasant “crunch”.

2. Do not break cold eggs into the pan

It is clear that in the morning there is no time to wait until the chicken eggs are at room temperature. For this reason, the product that has just been taken out of the refrigerator is usually sent to the pan.

However, you should not rush. If you want scrambled eggs to be tasty, it is better to wait.

3. There is only one egg in the pan

Many gourmets try to fry two or even three at once eggs.

But you don't need to be “sparing”. It is desirable that only one egg should be broken into the pan. In this case, the dish will not lose its good taste.

If you want to eat two eggs, you should cook them in different pans.

4. Take your time


Trying to speed up the cooking of scrambled eggs by increasing the power of the fire is pointless: this way you will only spoil the dish.

So that the dish does not burn and heats up evenly, it should be fried on low heat.

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Author: alex

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