Four ways to get rid of the Colorado beetle on potatoes

There are at least three ways: chemicals, biological preparations and folk remedies, sometimes very unusual.


Chemicals– an old method, because people have been reluctant to water their plots with “nuclear” chemicals lately. And beetles quickly get used to the dose of the chemical. But if you decide on this method of fighting the beetle, be sure to study the instructions for the waiting period for the selected product. This is the time after treatment when you should not eat parts of the sprayed plants. For some preparations, it is very long. It is recommended to carry out the treatment exclusively at night, in calm dry weather – then the poison will remain on the leaves, and not go into the ground. And do not forget to protect the respiratory system and skin.

Biological preparations– this is a more modern stage of development of garden technologies. They have very short waiting times, and they are not stored in the ground. However, they are mostly harmful to bees. Gardeners recommend starting treatment when beetles have appeared on 10% of the bushes. As for the active substance, phytoverm-based preparations are popular. They are diluted with water (10 ml of 0.2% per bucket), store adhesive is added and the bushes are generously sprayed. The effect will last for 3-4 weeks.

Well, how can we do without folk method! Such a chatterbox will definitely not harm the garden, and with regular use it will be an excellent prevention for the spread of beetles. For 2 liters of water, you need to take 25 ml of tar soap and 25 ml of birch tar, mix well and spray the potatoes with this composition after sunset. Wet bushes are sprinkled with fine wood ash – that's it! It is recommended to repeat the treatment every 15-20 days.

And finally – a strange method. They say that beetles are very afraid of a potion created… from themselves. You need to collect a glass of beetles and larvae, pour 5 liters of water, close the lid and let it brew for 4-6 days until the dead pests sink to the bottom. Then dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and spray the plantations. Gardeners who practice this method claim that the beetles begin a mass migration from your plot.

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Author: alex

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