Freeze hands and thirst: six early signs of diabetes


The danger of the disease is that it often begins. complications.

Diabetes mellitus is a real problem of today. Yes, doctors say that worldwide the number of patients with this diagnosis every year increases by 5-7%. At the same time, the symptoms are initially inconspicuous at first glance and without a special verification for nothing to guess what provoked them.

We have made a list of the most common early signs of diabetes, which should be the basis for unscheduled blood test and visit to a specialist. Healing processes can last for weeks.

This is due to circulatory disorders that occur during the disease. With them blood cells do not receive proper nutrition, which is disturbed by regeneration processes.

Periodic cramps

are concerned in the process of diabetes in the body in the body there are tremendous shifts of metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism. All this impairs blood circulation and leads to vascular damage. Therefore, in the initial stages due to lack of nutrition of the patient's tissues can be disturbed by limb cramps and periodic pain. Most often unpleasant sensations occur in the evening when the body prepares for sleep and slows the metabolic processes.Diabetes always goes side by side with high glucose level, which is reflected in the change in blood density and slowing its circulation, especially in the extremities. This also causes a decrease in the constant temperature of the hands and feet (they are always colder and may have a paler look), as well as increased their sensitivity to the cold.As mentioned, glucose levels are increased during diabetes. At the same time, the body tries to return it to normal, spending a lot of fluid.

such intense processes lead to dehydration, which is manifested by a constant feeling Special reasons (such as increased physical or emotional stress) begin to disturb the feeling of comprehensive hunger, and there is also a reason to see a doctor. This may indicate a lack of insulin body responsible for glucose supply to cells. Yes, they lack nutrition, which is reported by the brain, and therefore “turns on” a feeling of hunger. This causes a violation of vision, in particular, the fog can be disturbed in the eyes, vagueness, twinning in the eyes, and the farsightedness develops. Often, such phenomena are written off on fatigue, stress or lack of sleep, which does not give reason to think about the development of serious illness.

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Author: alex

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