Frequent consumption of tea will lead to dangerous diseases

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It can be drunk both hot and cold, add lemon, mint to it, and make tea decoctions from healthy herbs. But, like any product, consuming tea in unlimited quantities can lead to health problems.

This drink also contains caffeine, due to which a mug of good tea can invigorate no worse than coffee. But in excessive quantities, this component increases stress levels, increases anxiety, and also provokes insomnia and nervousness.

Surprisingly, frequent consumption of tea can lead to weight gain. Tea connoisseurs recommend drinking this drink without sugar and any sweets. But most people are used to having tea parties not only with sugar added to tea, but also with various cakes, candies, and other tea treats. These products lead to weight gain. If you need to sweeten the drink, it is better to add natural honey.

Too frequent consumption of tea also leads to yellowing of tooth enamel, provokes nausea, loss of appetite, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, tea has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system and provokes the development of heart and blood vessel diseases.

Since this drink is a diuretic, people with kidney problems should also be more careful. Caffeine and neophylline contained in tea can increase the concentration of harmful substances in the bladder and lead to complete ischemic nephropathy of the kidneys.

You should also not drink tea too hot, as there is a high risk of developing stomach cancer.

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Author: alex

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