Frequent showering weakens the immune system

While many people opt for an evening bath, the more popular time and the washing method is a morning shower. It's an opportunity to wash off the dirt from the previous day and give the mind a few moments of awareness before the next day's work or play. Although this is a good and effective way to wash, showering too often can have some drawbacks.

This includes weakening the immune system. Over-cleansing can damage your microbiome — the collection of bacteria, germs and bacteria that live inside or on your body, according to a US study. The microbiome is part of the immune system and helps protect it.

By damaging the microbiome, excessive washing can make a person more vulnerable to disease. However, while the study found that over-cleansing had negative effects, it subsequently did not suggest how often a person should shower to maintain a balance between staying fresh and being vulnerable to infectious bacteria.

Weakening the immune system is the only way. , in which the shower can be harmful to the body in a certain way. It can also damage the skin.

According to dermatologist Lucy Chen, the right number of showers per week is two to three, and that number sounds strange for those who shower every day or exercise regularly. is a key part of their daily routine.

Dry skin “can lead to eczema or skin inflammation or other conditions such as acne.” Excessive showering can cause dandruff on the scalp and dry hair. In addition to suggesting that you only shower three times a week, Chen said you should shower for five to ten minutes — “it can remove oils and dry out your skin.”

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Author: alex

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