From cholesterol and for longevity: what are the benefits of popular tea

Oolong is a traditional chinese tea Now this drink is popular all over the world. However, not all oolong lovers are aware of its true benefits.

The history of this tea dates back to the Ming Dynasty in the mid-1300s. One of the legends says that one day a farmer was collecting tea leaves to brew himself a drink.

At that moment, he noticed a black snake (pronounced “wu long” in Chinese) on the ground and ran away. When the farmer returned the next day, the leaves collected the day before had turned brown-green. He brewed them and was surprised by the new taste, naming the tea after the snake that scared him.

How is oolong useful

For longevity >

Most of the beneficial properties of oolong tea are provided by the catechins (antioxidants) in its composition – they make it especially effective in preventing conditions such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, oxidative stress and even cognitive decline. it is stated on the website of Oregon State University (Oregon State University). And this is at least what is necessary for longevity.

From cholesterol

Chinese researchers found that people who drank at least 300 ml of oolong tea per week , had a lower risk of dyslipidemia. It is about a high level of lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) or a low level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).

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Author: alex

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