From cholesterol and inflammation: a simple but healthy porridge for breakfast
One of the most useful and simple morning dishes is oatmeal. Thanks to the versatility of oatmeal, you can even enhance the benefits of its consumption by adding different foods or spices.
Oats are known to contain a large amount of fiber, manganese, copper and iron. Scientists have already proven that oatmeal can reduce cholesterol, blood sugar, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
And a study conducted at the University of Heidelberg showed that the polyphenols in the cereal have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. .
If the prospect of eating classic oatmeal for breakfast does not please you, you should look at other ways of preparing it. “Royal Oatmeal” can be a good option. Few people will refuse such porridge, and it is easy and quick to prepare.
- oat flakes – 1 cup;
- raisins and dried apricots – 1 tbsp. l.;
- nuts – 1 tbsp. l.;
- honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
- salt – to taste;
- vanillin bag – 1 piece;
- butter – 30 g.
< li>milk-600 ml;
< h2>How to prepare “Korolivska” oatmeal
- Pour milk into a saucepan, heat and add oatmeal
- Add vanilla and salt.
- Crush and pour in the nuts.
- Add honey, chopped dried apricots and raisins.
- Cook until ready. At the end of cooking, add butter.
- Before serving, you can add fresh berries to the porridge.
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