From “owl” to “lark”: how to start waking up easily in the morning

Only some people are real “owls” or “larks”. Most have a “pigeon” chronotype and can adjust the time of waking up and getting up in the morning depending on the conditions. A specialist in occupational medicine told how to do it.

In order to rebuild the regime, it is necessary to follow some recommendations every day for at least three weeks. During this period of time, you can develop a new habit, says the expert.

  1. After waking up, you need to turn on the light and get up immediately, not allowing yourself to linger in bed.
  2. You need to show some activity soon. – for example, charging, doing a little cleaning or just washing the dishes.
  3. Preparation for sleep is equally important. Before going to sleep, it is necessary to ventilate the room. You can take a warm shower or a bath with sea salt and aromatic oils with a calming effect.
  4. Before going to bed, you need to prepare for the morning in advance – prepare your clothes, pack a bag, put lunch in a container.
  5. It is recommended to fall asleep in complete darkness – without night lights and with light-proof curtains.
  6. At least one hour before bedtime, you need to turn off the TV, stop using your smartphone and other gadgets

The doctor also advises to redistribute tasks taking into account the new regime. It is better to shift physical activity to the first half of the day.

It is important to follow the regime even on weekends. If all these recommendations do not help and it is not easy to get up early, then, according to the expert, the only thing that remains is to find a job that matches individual rhythms.

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Author: alex

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