Fruit juices are deadly. And here's why

Experts recommend refraining from drinking fruit juices. Specialist in internal diseases, professor, Dr. Osman Erk, in an interview with a correspondent of the publication, told why it is recommended to take fruits in the diet, and not drinks produced in a natural way. According to the interlocutor of the publication, the consequences can be very sad.

“Fruits are useful, but fruit juice, freshly squeezed or industrially pasteurized, is harmful to health,” says Professor Dr. Erk.

Fruit juices are seen as an easy way to meet the need for vitamins throughout the day. However, experts recommend not consuming juices, but the fruits themselves.

Specialist in internal diseases, professor, Dr. Osman Erk (Osman Erk) explained the reasons.

Increases blood sugar

Fruit is good, but fruit juice, whether freshly squeezed or industrially pasteurized, is bad for your health. In addition to glucose, fruits contain fructose. As you know, fructose is fruit sugar, and the ratio of glucose to fructose in fruit varies depending on the fruit and stage of ripening.

Fruits are also high in fiber, phytonutrients, antioxidants, anti-carcinogenic compounds, vitamins and minerals. Food fibers, ensuring the slow absorption of fructose and glucose, stabilize the level of sugar in the blood.

And since there is no dietary fiber in both freshly squeezed and industrially produced fruit juices, the glycemic index is high, blood sugar rises quickly, after which insulin is secreted. Insulin is a fat-storing hormone, and at the same time, it lowers blood sugar levels, which makes you feel hungry and makes you want to eat again. The World Health Organization recommends that adults consume no more than 30 grams of sugar per day. That's the equivalent of a small glass of juice.

Beware, supplements!

If you pay attention to the composition of industrially produced fruit juices, they contain water, sugars (sucrose, glucose syrup, fructose syrup), acidity regulators (citric acid, malic acid), flavorings, dyes (beta-carotene), antioxidants (ascorbic acid). , thickeners, as well as many chemical compounds, such as sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. In such juices, the content of real fruits is usually extremely low.

Negatively affects the brain and mental health of children

In the course of scientific research, it was it has been established that with frequent consumption of fruit juices, dyes and preservatives in their composition can cause hyperactivity, impaired concentration, allergies and even cancer in children.

Leads to insulin resistance and fatty liver< /h2>

Mainly tap water is used to prepare fruit juices. It is known that tap water contains many toxins, primarily heavy metals. When you drink a glass of fruit juice, even 100 percent fruit juice, the glucose and fructose in it quickly reach the liver and can cause fatty liver, fatty liver and insulin resistance. This action is especially noticeable in people who are obese. Sweet drinks are also one of the most important causes of obesity.

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Author: alex

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