Fruits to avoid if you have diabetes

Eating fruits with existing diabetes is not prohibited, but it is allowed with reservations – some gifts of nature should be avoided.

Doctors state that whole fresh fruits are full of fiber , vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making them a nutrient-dense food that can fit well into the diet of a person with diabetes. With this disease, even bananas are allowed – provided that they are not very ripe and are eaten in moderation.

However, doctors recommend avoiding the use of fruits that can sharply increase blood sugar levels.

“In order to understand which fruits should be avoided in case of existing diabetes, it is necessary to take into account the value of their glycemic index (GI) – it must be equal to 55 or lower in order for the product to be considered safe for a diabetic,” experts explain.

Based on therefore, such fruits should not be present in the diet of people with this disease.

Mango. Each 100 grams of mango contains about 14 grams of sugar, which is too much for a diabetic.

Grapes.It is rich in fiber, vitamins and other essential nutrients, but it also contains a lot of sugar. 85 grams of grapes can contain up to 15 grams of carbohydrates, which can seriously affect blood sugar balance.

Apricots. Fresh apricots are allowed for diabetes, but dried apricots should be avoided – for humans , who suffer from diabetes, the concentration of natural sugars in them is too high.

Dried prunes.With a GI value of 103, prunes contain 24 grams of carbohydrates in just a quarter cup. Diabetics absolutely cannot eat such a sweet fruit.

Pineapple. Although eating fresh pineapple for diabetes is relatively safe, too much can cause serious damage to blood sugar levels. Be careful!

Watermelon. Its glycemic index is 72, and a half-cup serving can contain about 5 grams of carbohydrates. Diabetics can eat watermelon only in very small pieces.

Papaya. With an average GI value of 59, rich in carbohydrates and calories. If it is allowed in the presence of diabetes, then only in a limited amount to avoid a significant increase in the blood sugar level

Fruit juices. In this disease, you should avoid drinking juices made from any – what kind of fruits – without exception, they are able to cause spikes in the level of glucose. Juices do not contain fiber, so they are quickly metabolized – after taking them, the sugar level rises in a matter of minutes.

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Author: alex

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