Gallstones: scientists named products that double the risk of painful stones


gallstones are very common. The most common risk factors of this condition include overweight and excessive estrogen. But the diet remains one of the most influential risk factors for gallstone disease.

According to NHS, studies show that regular consumption of refined sugar can double the risk of formation of painful stones in the gallbladder, reports Express.

suggested that consumption of more than 40 grams of sugar a day could double the risk of symptomatic stones. This is due to the fact that white refined sugar and starchy foods can increase the secretion of insulin that relieves blood from sugar.

Increased insulin, in turn, increases the concentration of cholesterol in bile-liquid, which helps digestion. Up to 70 percent of gallstones are formed when cholesterol particles are collected together inside the gallbladder. Moreover, the solid tangle grows every time it is washed by the biliary fluid. The phenomenon was demonstrated in studies on the study of sweet drinks. Bile stones by increasing bile cholesterol saturation. The authors claim to avoid carbohydrates such as sugar and sweeteners, white flour and peeled grains.

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Author: alex

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