Gardeners explained why ferns don't take root in a flowerbed in the shade
Indispensable plant for flower beds and compositions that will grow in the shade. Creates a luxurious green background and covers the dark sides of the nook. It is a pity when the fern does not take root. But there are reasons for this. Let's talk about this in more detail in the article.
Conditions for fern
Fern belongs to those plants that can survive in different conditions, but there are two negative factors that can affect the growth and the ability to continue to exist. We are talking about low humidity and direct sunlight. They can cause the death of the plant.
Most of the plants were adapted by breeders for garden conditions. However, there are no hybrids for ferns. They need living conditions that are close to natural ones.
Experienced gardeners also talk about quirks regarding the composition of the soil. Sometimes it is difficult to artificially create the desired format, so it is taken from places where the fern grows in the forest. Ideally, the soil should be slightly acidic. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no calcium salts. Fern does not tolerate such a component in the composition of the soil.
Watering is the main requirement for active growth of fern. If you allow the soil to dry out, the plant will also dry out. In this case, the fern cannot be restored. Therefore, you need to be careful when growing ferns, then everything will be fine and the flowerbed will not be left without a green background.
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