Gardeners share how to make oxygen baths for seeds
It is known that pre-sowing treatment of seeds is one of the main chances to have a high yield. That is why careful owners soak seeds in various solutions. But there is another type of treatment of seeds in water with oxygen or ordinary air. As a result, seed germination and viability increase, and the result is an increased yield.
Seeds are poured into a glass container and water is added (approximately in a ratio of 1:5). The temperature is plus 20 degrees. Connect oxygen or normal air. It is convenient to use aquarium compressors, bicycle pumps, oxygen pillows. Air bubbles should pass evenly through the water column. You can periodically stir the seeds.
The procedure should be carried out within 12-18 hours. After that, you can immediately sow in the soil. And if the weather conditions or the terms of some plants do not allow this, then dry the seeds thoroughly, sprinkle them on a cloth so that moisture is completely removed, and put them in paper or cotton bags. The effect of the oxygen bath lasts for 6-9 months.
Such seeds germinate a week earlier than usual, so it is worth a try!
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