Gardeners shared tips on how to organize sowing on the windowsill

Time flies very quickly. And careful owners have already decided that they will grow on the homestead, how many seedlings are needed in the new season. Where to start?


Seedling crops are sown first: cabbage, tomatoes. Pepper. A little later, eggplants, peppers. But everything depends on weather conditions, on the region where you live.

First of all, you need to prepare the container (if you are growing seedlings on the windowsill). Whichever you choose, do not forget about the holes in the bottom of the dishes so that the water can drain. Then fill the containers by 1-2 cm with pieces of brick, gravel. Expanded clay, which will ensure air access to the roots. Then you need to fill the soil, compact it and pour boiling water (for disinfection). The level of the soil should be 2-3 cm lower than the edge of the capacity, so that during the growth of the plant it was possible to add soil.

In parallel, you can prepare the seeds: they are calibrated, soaked and finally sown. Cucumber seeds are poured into water. What emerged was usually of little use. To sort tomato seeds, add a spoonful of salt to the water. Agronomists claim that this will increase yields by 20 percent. For better germination, seeds of cucumbers, zucchini, squash are warmed in a warm place (for example, on heating batteries) for 5-7 days. As a result, the number of female cells increases, and therefore the fertility. The appearance of seedlings will be accelerated by soaking in soft water – rain or snow. Seeds of tomatoes and cucumbers can be soaked in a soda solution (1 g per glass of water). Soaking should be for 1-2 days, but 8-10 hours is enough for the seeds of cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, and radish. Soaked seeds can be sown immediately, or they can be left for germination (pour on a moistened cloth, cover and put in a warm place).

Attention should be paid to the sowing depth: it should be 2-3 times larger than the size of the seed . Then the capacity with the seeds is covered with a film and placed in a warm place. Crops are aired daily by opening the film. And when the seeds hatch, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed on the windowsill or in another place designated for this purpose.

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Author: alex

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