Gardeners shared tips on how to save currants from the background

Looking over your country property, one fine day you may notice that blackcurrant leaves, which not long ago pleased the eye with their freshness, begin to curl and change color.



You mention that in early spring, before the buds bloom, the bush was not treated with the appropriate drugs. And now the bunches are tied, there are many green berries on them. You understand that an uninvited guest – aphid – will quickly destroy the entire crop. What to do?

You can get rid of this problem by spraying the bushes with something that is safe for humans, but hates the green voracious insects that drink the juice from the plant.

Try this solution: in Dissolve 20 g of ammonia in 5 liters of warm water, pour liquid soap or dishwashing liquid (2 tbsp. l). If you have an expired tick, insect, or flea product, add it as well. Pour into a sprayer or take an ordinary broom and spray the bushes abundantly, from both sides. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure after three days. But, usually, if there is not a lot of background, once is enough.

In this way, you will save your currant harvest!

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Author: alex

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