Gardeners talked about the peculiarities of growing cucumber seedlings

People say about cucumbers that it is such a vegetable that only a lazy person can grow it. So what? Sowed, sowed, watered on time – and you have a harvest. But you still want to enjoy cucumbers from your own garden before these vegetables go “by the way”.


In order to get an earlier harvest of cucumbers, you need to sow the seeds not immediately in the soil, and grow seedlings. This process is not complicated, but certain features must be taken into account.

The first thing is to determine the date of sowing cucumbers. Here you need to take into account that the seedlings grow for 3 weeks, and then they should be transplanted. At the same time, do not forget that cucumbers are afraid of frost, even small ones. Therefore, according to your region, calculate the correct date for sowing seedlings.

Now choose the correct container for sowing. These should be large enough so that the roots have enough space and are not injured during transplanting. People with experience advise to cut plastic 1.5-liter bottles from the top and bottom to form cone-shaped tall (20 cm) cups. In such capacities, cucumbers can be kept at home, if they are warned about the cold weather, there will be enough space for them.

At first, the earth should be filled by 10 cm and well tamped, then it should be filled up to half. Water the soil with warm water, make a depth of 1-2 cm, drop 1-2 seeds there and lightly tamp. Cover with a film and put in a dark, warm place for germination.

When the first sprouts appear, the seedlings should be placed on the windowsill. Water periodically, but not often. As the plants grow, fill the container with soil.

Before planting in the soil, water it well, cut the sides of the plastic containers and transplant the “pascha” into deep holes filled with water.

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Author: alex

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