Gardeners talked about useful bugs on the site: they are helpers, not pests
Not all bugs and insects in the summer cottage should be chased away, destroyed and thought that they are pests. There are certain varieties that help fight really harmful insects. The main thing, as they say, is to know them face to face.
In nature, you always need to maintain a balance. It is he who will ensure the normal functioning of living organisms in the garden. There are five bugs you should know:
- ladybug;
- stetorus;
- beetle;
- horse;
- cricket.
Sunny helps fight aphids. If you see a lot of ladybugs, that's good. They will help save your garden from annoying pests. This is especially important for areas where a lot of roses grow.
The beetle cannot fly as skillfully as others, but it moves quickly on its legs. She and stetorus also work for the benefit of your garden and vegetable garden.
If you have a problem with ants in your area, the horse will fight them. By the way, the jumping beetle is considered the fastest on the planet. Among the woodpeckers, not all are good, but there are varieties that hunt for bark beetle larvae.
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