Gardeners told how and where to buy fruit tree seedlings
When planting a young garden or rejuvenating an old one, the gardener faces such a problem as the choice of seedlings. In order not to buy a cat in a bag, you need to know how and where to buy young trees.
When buying seedlings, carefully inspect them. The height of one-year pears and apple trees from the root neck should be 110-120 cm, and for stone trees – 15 cm.
See if the bark at the tips of the branches is not wrinkled. If so, this is a sign that they are dried out.
Pay special attention to the root system: it should be well developed, have many small roots that will help the seedling to take root better. It is not desirable for the main roots to be broken off, as well as damaged – have thickening icicles.
Do not buy too large seedlings (4-5 years old). They do not take root well, they adapt for one or two years, and later bear fruit.
And finally: it is better to contact fruit nurseries to buy what you wanted.
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