Gardeners told how to get rid of beetle larvae on beds with strawberries using folk remedies
The summer residents complain that the strawberry bushes wither with the flowers or with the berries. One of the reasons is roach larvae. They feed on strawberry root. How to deal with a pest when chemicals can no longer be used because the strawberries have tied up, read in detail.
Experienced gardeners plant a bed with lupine. Khrushchi are very afraid of these plants. If the berries on the strawberries are already tied and ripening, then chemical means cannot be used in the fight against pests. There are effective folk methods that skillfully fight larvae.
1/3 of a bucket of bulbs should be filled with water to the top and left to infuse for 3-5 days. After that, it should be filtered and diluted with water 1:1 and watered over the area with strawberries.
Dissolve 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 100 soda in a bucket of water. The interrows are watered with this solution. You can also bury an eggshell on the bed, these pests are also afraid of it.
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