Gardeners told when and how to plant tomato seedlings in open ground

Tomato seedlings grow on windowsills and in greenhouses, and when and how to plant them in open ground, read the advice of experienced gardeners in details.


Tomatoes should be planted no earlier than mid-May. Before planting, water the seedling thoroughly so that it is easy to remove it from the vessel in which it grew from the seed. Choose a non-sunny, overcast day, so the plants will take root more comfortably.

The distance between rows of tomatoes should be at least 50 centimeters, and between bushes 40-50 centimeters. A little fertilizer can be thrown into each hole.

Experienced gardeners advise planting tomato seedlings in a hole half-lying. Thus, the tomato produces additional roots and takes root faster. This method of planting will help even thin overgrown tomatoes to take root.

Water the planted seedlings a week after planting. If you carefully watered them in containers before planting, then moisture will be enough for a week.

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Author: alex

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