Gastritis: 5 facts that are useful to know everyone


the MoH reported that for the last n ' The number of inhabitants who have gastritis patients has increased in Ukraine. Helicobacter pylori, which easily adapts to the acidic environment of the stomach and provokes inflammation of its walls. Bacterium infection occurs through household items (utensils), hygiene items (toothbrushes), kisses. The risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But this is not true. According to statistics, gastritis is ill with British, Japanese and Germans who almost do not eat soups.

gastritis may not have symptoms. abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, etc. – All these are manifestations of different diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – but not gastritis. In many cases, gastritis is not manifested. It is not helped by external symptoms, but an analysis of the stomach wall tissue that is obtained by gastroscopy. But antipyretic) have the ability to “burn” the gastric mucosa. This may occur with gastritis, but it is not essentially gastritis.

stress does not cause gastritis, but it worsens its course. that stress leads to the development of gastritis. At the same time, anxiety and excitement can help increase the excretion of acid in the stomach and thus increase pain during acute gastritis.

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Author: alex

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