Gastroenterologists named the most harmful type of sausage
Gastroenterologists called sausage the most harmful among these products. It is not recommended to use semi-smoked in large quantities in order to avoid possible negative consequences.
Sausages contain a significant amount of fat, nitrites, salt, various flavor enhancers are added to them, which do not improve human health. Doctors believe that in this case we are talking about a “time bomb”.
Sausage is a delicacy, it is allowed to eat no more than 50 g of this product per day. Elderly people are recommended to remove this product from the diet altogether. The same applies to allergy sufferers and patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The ban also applies to people with kidney failure and edema.
Among the large number of similar products, cooked sausage is considered relatively safe, it is the least susceptible to processing. Half-smoked sausage should be recognized as the most harmful, as it is first boiled, then fried, and then smoked. It is about a large number of carcinogens. Such a sausage also contains products of combustion and radiolysis, they are released during the smoking process.
Harmful raw-smoked sausage due to the large number of different additives in it, a significant amount of fat is also present. Livery is also not useful. Previously, it was made mainly from liver, but now offal, lard trimmings, all kinds of preservatives and thickeners are added.
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