German doctors named foods that harm brain health

According to nutritionists Dean and Ayesha Scherzai (Germany), a person's daily diet has a great impact on the health of the brain.

Doctors named foods that are harmful to brain health. As such, nutritionists primarily presented products that “contain a large amount of salt, sugar and saturated fats, which clog blood vessels in the brain and thereby damage its tissues.”

This category was composed of:

  • semi-finished products,
  • white bread,
  • chips,
  • biscuits.

Another group of products, that harm the health of the brain – various samples of processed meat. Their distinctive features are a large amount of fat, salt and high doses of preservatives. German doctors state that such food can damage the brain “at the vascular and cellular levels”.

This group includes

  • sausage,
  • bacon,
  • salami.

Brain health is also harmed by the high level of consumed trans fats, which clog arteries and have a detrimental effect on brain activity.

Their sources are:

  • butter and margarine,
  • fried food,
  • fast food.

In addition, German doctors named products that increase the risk of inflammation and damage to brain neurons. According to them, this can happen “due to the excessive use of sugar-containing products in the form of pastries, various delicacies and carbonated water, as well as alcohol.”

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Author: alex

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