Getting out of your comfort zone is good for motivation

Scientists from the University of Chicago proved that the way out of yes the so-called comfort zone increases the motivation and personal growth of a person. And such a way out can be public speaking and other activities that a person is not used to.

Developing such a skill as public speaking, which causes waves of panic fear in some people, is not a very pleasant and easy activity. However, the research shows that if we can overcome the fear of public speaking, then this exit from the comfort zone will contribute to strengthening motivation and personal growth. The lack of fear of psychological discomfort motivates because people overcome these uncomfortable feelings and make it comfortable, which contributes to the achievement of the goal.

The authors of the study note that psychological discomfort for many of us is a sign that we need stop pursuing your own goals in life because it's too unpleasant. But the discomfort we feel as we move is actually a sign that we are making progress. And you can use these unpleasant feelings to increase motivation to achieve your own goals. These are the results of experiments with the participation of more than 550 students from dozens of different classes.

The authors of the experiment suggested that students define discomfort as their goal, urging them to feel awkward and uncomfortable while performing certain exercises. In the other group, they focused on regular exercises and improvisations. It was in the first group, where students were taught to look for discomfort, that their own persistence and risk-taking increased. And this made it possible to achieve much greater progress.

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Author: alex

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