Giving up sugar and not only: the doctor named ways to prolong youth

Continuation of youth, both external and physical, is facilitated by some habits, the doctor claims.

In an interview with medical therapist Tommy Mitchell, methods that allow you to prolong youth were listed: one of them he called giving up sugar.

“Consuming a lot of sugar contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and age spots, and the skin becomes flabby because of it – sugar also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other health problems , associated with aging,” said the therapist.

Another way to prolong youth is to get enough sleep at the level of 7-8 hours per night. When we sleep less, the production of stress hormones (especially cortisol) is activated, under the influence of which processes occur that increase the negative effects of aging.

Speaking of other ways to prolong youth, Dr. Mitchell listed the following.

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  • Regular exercise helps reduce the level of stress hormones in the body.
  • Drinking enough water has a positive effect on the skin.
  • Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables: they saturate the body with antioxidants , minerals and vitamins that support energy.
  • Consumption of a sufficient amount of protein: the emphasis is on lean meat.
  • Abandoning the consumption of semi-finished products, so the body receives less salt and preservatives.
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  • Correct response to stress: the doctor advises doing sports and yoga.
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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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