Good for the liver: 5 foods help improve the health of the organ

Liver is our main organ of detoxification and some products help it to do its busy work without harming itself.

Being a heavyweight organ weighing almost one and a half kilograms, the liver performs a responsible job in the body: it breaks down alcohol, drugs, fatty food and sugar, “scans” unknown substances entering the body. If you want to support your liver in its busy work, you can do it by including the following foods in your diet.

Beets can prevent fatty liver.The substance betanin, which is rich in beets, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps liver cells in their work of detoxification, removal of heavy metals. In turn, scientists from the University of Poznań found that drinking beetroot juice improves the liver's defense against the liver.

Blueberries can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Blueberry polyphenols act as a protective coating for the liver, slowing down formation of scars in cirrhosis. There is also evidence that blueberry extract is useful for preventing the proliferation of liver cancer cells.

Garlic activates liver enzymes. The fact that people in the Mediterranean region have a particularly long life expectancy may be due to the large amount of garlic that is common in their dishes. The spicy vegetable contains sulfur-like substances S-allyl mercaptocysteine ​​(SAMC) and diallyl disulfide (DADS), which activate liver enzymes – thanks to their support, the organ can work more efficiently.

Nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids . Nuts, especially walnuts, contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, including on the liver. A study by scientists from Tongji University in Shanghai showed that the consumption of omega-3 by patients suffering from fatty liver can help improve its condition.

Artichokes increase the production of bile acids. Bitter substances. , contained in artichoke, including cinnaropicrin, contribute to a more active production of bile acids in the liver – this means that the liver is much better protected from obesity.

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Author: alex

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