Good Friday: prohibitions and omens of the day
This is the strictest day of Holy Week.
What is forbidden to do on Good Friday
On this day since ancient times, there are many strict prohibitions that should be followed.
On Good Friday, Great Lent continues, and it is on this day that it is the strictest – up to the complete refusal of food. Only in the evening you can eat some bread and drink water. This should happen after the removal of the Shroud.
In memory of the torment that Jesus experienced, no work related to the cultivation of the land can be done. Any actions during which it is necessary to pierce the ground with an iron are prohibited. According to beliefs, if you sow a seed on this day, it will not produce a harvest.
It is also forbidden to do any housework on this day. Cleaning should be finished on Maundy Thursday. You cannot sew, embroider, wash, or chop firewood. Other work with metal tools is also prohibited.
Any fun is prohibited. An old proverb says: “whoever rejoices on Good Friday will cry all year”.
Signs of Good Friday
If it is sunny and warm on this day, it will the rest of spring.
If it rains on this day – the whole spring will be rainy.
If there is no sun on Good Friday – there will be a lot of weeds.
< p>If there is a thunderstorm – there will be a good grain harvest.
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