Gray hair and other signals of the body about heart problems
According to research, the appearance of gray hair can be a sign of heart problems. Scientists also name other surprising signals of the body that the heart may be unhealthy.
Gray hair can signal a high risk of heart disease in men, say researchers from Spain. According to them, the appearance of a large amount of gray hair is often associated with the development of coronary artery disease caused by the accumulation of cholesterol plaques. They came to this conclusion after analyzing the health indicators of 545 men aged 42 to 64. It turned out that participants who had a lot of gray hair were 80 percent more likely to suffer from heart disease.
In addition to gray hair, other surprising signals of the body can indicate possible problems in the work of the heart, reports The Health Site portal.
Snoring. It can be caused by sleep apnea, which is characterized by pauses in breathing. in a sleeping person. In this case, physiological changes are possible, leading to an increase in blood pressure, poor blood flow and an increasing load on the heart, which threatens with very serious disorders.
Muscle spasms.If you experience this often, it may mean that plaque has formed in the arteries of your legs, making it difficult for blood to flow normally. This causes the heart to lose its ability to effectively pump oxygen-rich blood to different parts of the body.
Dark spots under the nails. An injured finger can cause blood or bruising to appear under the nails, but if spots under the plates appear inexplicably, this may be an alarm signal of the body about poor heart function.
Numbness or coldness in the extremities. These symptoms may occur due to poor blood circulation, narrowing or blockages arteries with blood clots, which is one of the main life-threatening factors of cardiovascular catastrophes.
A bluish shade of the skin. This is a probable signal of a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood – this condition is associated with the risk of blockage of blood vessels.
Erectile dysfunction. According to data published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, it can be a signal of cardiovascular disease in men, a harbinger of a heart attack, which is caused by atherosclerosis.
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