Green vegetables can protect against some diseases

According to data from Johns Hopkins Medicine, for anemia, caused by folic acid deficiency, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • pale skin;
  • reduced appetite;
  • grumpiness (irritability);
  • lack of energy or easy fatigue;
  • digestive disorders.

Anemia is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it increases the risk of birth defects in the child. “Anemia with a deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy can cause a neural tube defect,” Johns Hopkins Medicine experts warn.

Green vegetables can be effective not only against anemia. If you eat them every day, including cruciferous vegetables (watercress, various types of cabbage, including colored and white broccoli), there are chances to increase the body's protection against cardiovascular diseases. This was shown by a meta-analysis published in the database of the US National Library of Medicine.

According to scientists, green vegetables play an important role in binding bile acids. A decrease in their recirculation leads to the use of cholesterol for the synthesis of such acids, a decrease in the absorption of fats, which is associated with a decrease in the risk of heart diseases. In one of the studies posted at the National Library of Medicine, it is emphasized that steaming significantly improved the binding of bile acids in vitro by green cabbage, mustard, and broccoli.

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Author: alex

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