Growing onions from A to Z: taught by gardeners with experience

In general, growing onions is not an overly complicated process. But if everything is done poorly or untimely, then there will not be a big harvest. So, let's start from the beginning, as they say from the letter “A”.


For planting, choose medium-sized bulbs. Large ones will shoot, very small ones may not survive in the heat.

Choose an open, well-lit area for growing onions. It is desirable to dig it up in advance, so that the soil has become loose and saturated with oxygen. If possible, add a little stove if the soil is clayey, heavy.

Do not plant in cold soil, because it will shoot. The soil should warm up to 10-15 degrees.

Plant the bulbs to a depth of 7-10 cm so that the bulbs reach moisture by their roots. The distance between the bulbs is 10-15 cm.

When the onion comes off, weed it and turn it up a little. So you will retain moisture. It is not necessary to water onions, except at the early stage of growth and when there is no rain. It is necessary to peel the onion at least 3 times during the entire ripening period.

Harvest should be done when the stem of the onion has bent and wilted a little. This should be done in dry weather. It is better for it to lie on the bed until the evening, and to collect it at night.

Onions must be thoroughly dried. A few days in the sun, and then in the shade, in a ventilated place for 1-2 weeks.

It is better to store with a dry stem, in a husk (without peeling it to “beauty”)
or in wreaths.< /p>

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Author: alex

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