Gut health: 6 simple ways to improve it

The intestine affects many indicators of the body, including the level of stress and immunity. However, many do not think about the health of this important organ until serious problems begin. Experts believe that it is possible to improve the condition of the intestines with the help of simple tips.

Eliminate food intolerance

Some people have food intolerance – increased sensitivity to certain products or drinks This causes inflammation of the intestine, as a result of which its ability to absorb nutrients from food is weakened. Food intolerance is usually determined using tests.

Increase the amount of good bacteria

The microbes that live in the gut are thought to perform many different functions for health. So, beneficial bacteria feed on undigested food particles (mainly fiber) and produce additional nutrients. And the consumption of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and kombucha, increases the level of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Replace coffee with tea

A good coffee boosts energy and has some health benefits, but some people tolerate it worse than others. Therefore, green tea will be a useful alternative. It is noted that the polyphenols contained in it are useful for intestinal microbes.

Eat properly

The diet should contain enough proteins and fats, as well as fiber contained in vegetables. Experts advise eating three meals a day and preparing food yourself so that it is more varied.

Get enough sleep

The digestive system and intestinal health are also affected sleep. Therefore, doctors recommend to follow the regime and sleep from 7 to 9 hours every day.

Be less nervous

It is not always possible to avoid stressful situations, but everyone has the opportunity to learn cope with difficulties. It is noted that chronic stress causes the adrenal glands to work all the time, which releases adrenaline and cortisol. In addition, certain strains of gut bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, are reduced during stressful events.

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Author: alex

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